THAT Report CPS-01-2025, re: Council Grants and Delaware Hydro Reserve fund Program 2025 be received;
AND THAT in accordance with the Council Grants Policy:
- the request from Camp-Kee-Mo-Kee be approved in the amount of $1,285; and
- request from the Del-Ko-Brydge Canada Day Community be approved in the amount of $2,000; and
- the request from the Ilderton & Area Business Association be approved in the amount of $5,000; and
- the request from the Middlesex Centre Archives be approved in the amount of $2,680; and
- the request from the Optimist Club of Bryanston-Birr be approved in the amount of $1,600; and
- the request from the Optimist Club of Ilderton be approved in the amount of $850; and
- the request from the Optimist Club of Kilworth-Komoka be approved in the amount of $1,000; and
- the request from the Poplar Hill Lions be approved in the amount of $1,500; and
- the request from the Poplar Hill Picnic be approved in the amount of $1,200; and
- the request from the Tri-County Heritage Club be approved in the amount of $1,500; and
AND THAT the request from the Delaware Lioness be approved in the amount of $900 in accordance with the Delaware Hydro Reserve Fund Policy;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to prepare correspondence and/or issue payment to the above noted organizations.