Middlesex Centre Council Minutes

Special Meeting of Council

Electronic Council Meeting
  • Mayor DeViet, 
  • Deputy Mayor Brennan, 
  • Councillor Heffernan, 
  • Councillor Shipley, 
  • Councillor Aerts, 
  • and Councillor Cates 
  • Councillor Berze 
  • Michael Di Lullo - Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Tiffany Farrell - Director of Corporate Services, 
  • James Hutson - Municipal Clerk, 
  • and Megan Kamermans - Deputy Clerk 

Mayor DeViet calls the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.

Members of the public are invited to participate in this meeting of Council by accessing the meeting which will be live-streamed on our Middlesex Centre YouTube channel or by contacting the Municipal Clerk to receive a registration link to join the meeting electronically.

This electronic meeting is being physically chaired from 1 Tunks Lane, Komoka as is necessary in accordance with section 236(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

There are no additions to the agenda to note for the April 10, 2024 special meeting of council.

There are no Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest to note for the April 10, 2024 special meeting of council. 

Michael DiLullo, CAO is in attendance to provide an overview of the Staff Report.

  • Resolution #2024-102
    Moved ByCouncillor Heffernan
    Seconded ByCouncillor Shipley

    THAT Report CAO-13-2024 re: Sale of 13211 Ilderton Road (Former CIBC Property) be received;

    AND THAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the execution of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to acquire the property located at 13211 Ilderton Road;

    AND FURTHER THAT the 2024 Budget be amended to add a new capital cost of $475,000.00 (plus applicable taxes and fees) with the funds to be taken from the Build Middlesex Centre Reserve Fund;


There is no other business to note for the April 10, 2024 special meeting of council. 

  • Resolution #2024-103
    Moved ByCouncillor Cates
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Brennan

    THAT By-Laws 2024-029 through 2024-30 listed on the April 10, 2024 agenda be approved.


Being a by-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality of Middlesex Centre and the Canadian Bank of Commerce/Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Being a by-law to adopt and confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre at the Special Council meeting held on April 10, 2024

  • Resolution #2024-104
    Moved ByCouncillor Cates
    Seconded ByCouncillor Shipley

    THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourns the April 10, 2024 Special Council meeting at 9:39 a.m.