THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 54 (OPA 54) for the land legally described as Concession 6 N Pt Lot 8 (former Township of London) Municipality of Middlesex Centre, and known municipally as 21488 Highbury Avenue North, be ADOPTED and forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration of approval;
AND THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application (ZBA-08-2021), to rezone the subject property from the ‘Agriculture (A1)’ to ‘Hamlet Residential First Density (HR1)’ for the land legally described as Concession 6 N Pt Lot 8 (former Township of London) Municipality of Middlesex Centre, and known municipally as 21488 Highbury Avenue North, be DENIED;
AND FURTHER THAT the County of Middlesex be advised that Middlesex Centre recommends draft plan approval for the land known legally as Concession 6 N Pt Lot 8 (former Township of London) Municipality of Middlesex Centre, and known municipally as 21488 Highbury Avenue North, County File No. 39T-MC2101, subject to the draft plan conditions appended to the Middlesex Centre report PLA-19-2024, and subject to a three (3) year lapse period.