Middlesex Centre Council Minutes

Regular Meeting of Council

Hybrid Council Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)
13168 Ilderton Road / Virtual
Ilderton, Ontario, N0M 2A0
  • Mayor DeViet
  • Deputy Mayor Brennan
  • Councillor Heffernan
  • Councillor Shipley
  • Councillor Aerts
  • Councillor Cates
  • Councillor Berze
  • Michael Di Lullo - Chief Administrative Officer
  • Arnie Marsman - Director of Building Services / Chief Building Official
  • Colin Toth - Director of Emergency Services / Fire Chief
  • Rob Cascaden - Director of Public Works and Engineering
  • Tiffany Farrell - Director of Corporate Services
  • James Hutson - Municipal Clerk
  • Megan Kamermans - Deputy Clerk
  • Sophie Baysarowich, Communications & Legislative Services
  • Justin Fidler - Manager of Community Services
  • Eric Joudrey - Manager of Environmental Services
  • Andrew Giesen - Manager of Transportation

Mayor DeViet calls the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Members of the public are invited to participate in this meeting of Council by attending the meeting in-person at the Ilderton Community Centre located at 13168 Ilderton Rd, Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0.

Members of the public may also access the meeting which will be live-streamed on our Middlesex Centre YouTube channel or by contacting the Municipal Clerk to receive a registration link to join the meeting electronically.

Members of the public can choose to delegate in-person or by electronic participation. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.

The Municipality of Middlesex Centre recognizes that we are gathering on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Leni-Lunape Peoples. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.

Our neighbouring First Nations communities which continue to live as sovereign Nations include the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, and Munsee Delaware Nation.

There are no Additions to the Agenda to note for the May 1, 2024 council meeting.

There are no Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest to note for the May 1, 2024 council meeting.

  • Resolution #2024-118
    Moved by:Councillor Shipley
    Seconded by:Councillor Berze

    THAT the minutes of the Middlesex Centre Council meeting held on April 17, 2024 be adopted as printed.

  • Resolution #2024-119
    Moved by:Councillor Cates
    Seconded by:Councillor Heffernan

    THAT Consent items 7.1 through 7.8 listed on the May 1, 2024 agenda be adopted as recommended.

  • THAT Report CAO-14-2024, re: Ontario’s Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan: 2023 Annual Report be received for information.

  • THAT Report CAO-15-2024, re: Ilderton Anniversary Celebrations, 2026, be received;

    AND THAT Council authorize staff to work with community groups to plan a celebratory event;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to bring a report back prior to the end of 2024 to provide an update on the planning and expectations for Middlesex Centre’s involvement.

  • THAT Report CLK-04-2024 re: Update to Delegated Authority for Administrative Functions be received.

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the draft by-law attached as Appendix ‘A’ upon final approval by Council.

  • THAT Report CMS-04-2024 re: Seniors Active Living Centres Program be received as information.

  • THAT Report CMS-05-2024 re: Tender Results – Komoka Community Centre Roof be received;

    AND THAT the Komoka Community Centre Roof Replacement project (RFT-CMS-2024-01) be awarded to Grand Valley Roofing with a total cost of $205,528.00.

  • THAT Report CPS-25-2024, re: Capital Budget to Actual Q1 2024 report be received as information.

  • THAT Report CAO-16-2024 re: Temporary Use Agreement for Overhead Structure at Komoka Wellness Centre be received;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Temporary Use Agreement to enter into agreement with The Elite Performance and Injury Centre to permit the Structure at the Komoka Wellness Centre;

    AND FURTHER THAT the 2024 Budget be amended to add a new capital cost of $15,093 with the funds to be taken from the Build Middlesex Centre Reserve Fund.

  • THAT Report BLD-04-2024, re: First Quarter 2024 Building and By-law Enforcement Activity Summary be received for information.

Eric Joudrey, Environmental Services Manager, is in attendance to provide an overview of the staff report. 

  • Resolution #2024-120
    Moved by:Councillor Cates
    Seconded by:Councillor Berze

    THAT Report PWE 20-2024 regarding the Komoka SCADA System Upgrades Award be received;

    AND THAT the Komoka SCADA System Upgrades be awarded to Eramosa a CIMA+ Company (Eramosa) in the amount of $275,231.00 (excluding HST);

    AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.


Andrew Giesen, Transportation Manager, is in attendance to provide an overview of the staff report. 

  • Resolution #2024-121
    Moved by:Councillor Shipley
    Seconded by:Councillor Heffernan

    THAT Report PWE 19-2024, re: Adoption of The Transportation Master Plan be received;

    AND THAT Council adopt the Transportation Master Plan as appended to Report PWE 19-2024.


Tiffany Farrell, Director of Corporate Services, is in attendance to provide an overview of the staff report. 

  • Resolution #2024-122
    Moved by:Councillor Berze
    Seconded by:Councillor Cates

    THAT report CPS-24-2024, Development Charge Study 2024 – Options and Direction be received;

    AND THAT the other non-residential development charge be calculated using the uniform method;

    AND THAT there is no exemption provided for industrial development types as part of the 2024 Development Charge Study;

    AND THAT staff be directed to update the Community Improvement Plan for 2025 to include a Development Charge grant related to industrial development types;

    AND THAT staff are directed to provide an exemption for Agricultural development types in the 2024 Development Charge Study at 25% for Protection and services related to a highway, and 100% for parks and recreation;

    AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to continue working with Watson & Associates on definitions for exclusions for specific Agricultural development types that do not result in incremental service demands for the Development Charge Study.


Rob Cascaden, Director of Public Works and Engineering, is in attendance to provide an overview of the staff report.

  • Resolution #2024-123
    Moved by:Councillor Cates
    Seconded by:Councillor Heffernan

    THAT Council Report PWE 20-2024, Re Elmhurst Street and Parkland Place Reconstruction be received;

    AND THAT Council direct staff to proceed with Option 3 as the servicing option for Parkland Place and a portion of Elmhurst Drive as outlined in report PWE20-2024



There are no Notice of Motion to note for the May 1, 2024 council meeting.

  • Resolution #2024-124
    Moved by:Councillor Cates
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Brennan

    THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre receives the Correspondence items 10.1 through 10.7 as information.


Councillor Cates provided direction to staff to liaise with SCRCA and report back with respect to the options presented within the correspondence. Staff confirmed that they will contact the SCRCA to facilitate a future presentation to Council at the June 5, 2024 Council meeting.

  • Resolution #2024-125
    Moved by:Councillor Shipley
    Seconded by:Councillor Cates

    THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourn to closed session at 10:55 a.m. pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended to discuss the following matters:

    Section 239 (2)(e)  litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Development Litigation Matter - Ward 4);

    Section 239 (3.1) Educational or training sessions. A meeting of a council or local board or of a committee of either of them may be closed to the public if the following conditions are both satisfied:

    1.  The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members.

    2.  At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee (Legal Services Overview)








Minutes of the April 3, 2024 Closed Session




Development Litigation Matter (Ward 4)


Legal Services Overview




There is no Other Business to note for the May 1, 2024 council meeting.


  • Resolution #2024-127
    Moved by:Councillor Berze
    Seconded by:Councillor Cates

    THAT By-laws 2024-038 through By-law 2024-040 be adopted as printed.


Being a By-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990 (TD - 2024-05-01)

Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Temporary Use Agreement between The Municipality of Middlesex Centre and Elite Performance and Injury Centre for lands known municipally as 1 Tunks Lane

Being a By-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre to adopt and confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre at the Council meeting held on May 1, 2024

The next Council meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2024.

  • Resolution #2024-128

    THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourns the May 1, 2024 Council meeting at 11:39 a.m.

No Item Selected