THAT Minor Variance Application A-12/2023, filed by Salim Ferwati, on behalf of Negal Aljaaouni for relief from the Comprehensive Zoning By-law in order to establish an minimum rear yard setback for an attached deck of 4.8 metres (15.7 feet), whereas the Middlesex Centre Comprehensive Zoning By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback of 6.5 metres (21.3 feet), for a property legally described as Part of lot 6, Concession 2 Lobo, Part 2 on Reference Plan 33R20376, in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, County of Middlesex, and is municipally known as 10083 Oxbow Drive, be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:
THAT the minimum rear yard setback shall reduction to 4.8 metres shall only apply to the deck, and the remainder of the single detached dwelling shall maintain a minimum 8.0 metre setback as shown on the site plan;
AND THAT the reasons for granting Minor Variance Application A-12/2023:
- The request complies with the general intent and purpose of Middlesex Centre’s Official Plan;
- The request complies with the general intent and purpose of Middlesex Centre’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law;
- The request is minor in nature; and
- The request represents appropriate development on the subject property.