Middlesex Centre Council Agenda
Regular Meeting of Council

Hybrid Council Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)
10227 Ilderton Road / Virtual
Ilderton, Ontario, N0M 2A0

Mayor DeViet to call the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Members of the public are invited to participate in this meeting of Council by accessing the meeting which will be live-streamed on our Middlesex Centre YouTube channel or by contacting the Municipal Clerk to receive a registration link to join the meeting being held electronically.

Members of the public may also attend the meeting in-person at the Coldstream Community Centre, located at 10227 Ilderton Road, Ilderton, N0M 2A0.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

There are no Delegations, Presentations or Petitions to note for the July 19, 2023 meeting of Council.

  • THAT the minutes of the July 5, 2023 meeting of Council be adopted as printed.

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are received in one motion. Council members may request that one or more item be removed for further action.

  • THAT Consent items 6.1 through 6.3 listed on the July 19, 2023 agenda be adopted as recommended.

  • THAT Middlesex Centre Council Report BLD-04-2023, re: Update - Planning Applications through Cloudpermit be received as information.

  • THAT the Budget to Actual Report CPS-35-2023 for June 2023 be received as information.

  • THAT Report BLD-03-2023, re: Temporary Chief Building Official Service Agreement with Municipality of Strathroy Caradoc be received;

    AND THAT Middlesex Centre Council approve the agreement for the provision of Chief Building Official services with the Municipality of Strathroy Caradoc.

  • THAT Council adjourn its regular meeting at _____ pm in order to sit as a Committee of Adjustment under Section 45 of The Planning Act, 1990, as amended, to consider the Minor Variance application listed on the July 19, 2023 Council Agenda.

  • THAT Minor Variance Application A-12/2023, filed by Salim Ferwati, on behalf of Negal Aljaaouni for relief from the Comprehensive Zoning By-law in order to establish an minimum rear yard setback for an attached deck of 4.8 metres (15.7 feet), whereas the Middlesex Centre Comprehensive Zoning By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback of 6.5 metres (21.3 feet), for a property legally described as Part of lot 6, Concession 2 Lobo, Part 2 on Reference Plan 33R20376, in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, County of Middlesex, and is municipally known as 10083 Oxbow Drive, be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions:

    THAT the minimum rear yard setback shall reduction to 4.8 metres shall only apply to the deck, and the remainder of the single detached dwelling shall maintain a minimum 8.0 metre setback as shown on the site plan;

    AND THAT the reasons for granting Minor Variance Application A-12/2023:

    • The request complies with the general intent and purpose of Middlesex Centre’s Official Plan;
    • The request complies with the general intent and purpose of Middlesex Centre’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law;
    • The request is minor in nature; and
    • The request represents appropriate development on the subject property.
  • THAT the public meetings adjourn at ____ pm and Council resume their regular meeting;

  • THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourn to closed session at ________ pursuant to Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended to discuss the following matters:

    Section 239 (2)(c)  a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Potential Property Disposition - Ward 2);

    Section 239 (2)(e)  litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Litigation Update - Ward 4 Development);

    Section 239 (2)(f)  advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Litigation Update - Ward 4 Development);







Minutes of the July 5, 2023 Closed Session




Potential Property Disposition - Ward 2


Litigation Update - Ward 4 Development





  • THAT By-Laws 2023-081 through 2023-084 listed on the July 19, 2023 agenda be approved.

Being a by-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement for Building Services for the between the Municipality of Middlesex Centre and the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

Being a By-law approving and ratifying a Severance Agreement between Albert Keith Brown and Dorothy Anne Brown as the “Owner” and the Municipality of Middlesex Centre as the “Municipality”. 

Being a By-law approving and ratifying a Severance Agreement between Leonard Bjorn Beeler, Adrian Beeler and Charlotte Petra Beeler as the “Owner” and the Municipality of Middlesex Centre as the “Municipality”. 

Being a By-law to adopt and confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre at the Council meeting held on July 19, 2023.

  • THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourns the July 19, 2023 Council meeting at ___ p.m.