WHEREAS current provincial-municipal fiscal arrangements are undermining Ontario’s economic prosperity and quality of life
WHEREAS nearly a third of municipal spending in Ontario is for services in areas of provincial responsibility and expenditures are outpacing provincial contributions by nearly $4 billion a year
WHEREAS municipal revenues, such as property taxes, do not grow with the economy or inflation
WHEREAS unprecedented population and housing growth will require significant investments in municipal infrastructure
WHEREAS municipalities are being asked to take on complex health and social challenges – like homelessness, supporting asylum seekers and addressing the mental health and addictions crises
WHEREAS inflation, rising interest rates, and provincial policy decisions are sharply constraining municipal fiscal capacity
WHEREAS property taxpayers – including people on fixed incomes and small businesses – can’t afford to subsidize income re-distribution programs for those most in need
WHEREAS the province can, and should, invest more in the prosperity of communities
WHEREAS municipalities and the provincial government have a strong history of collaboration
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario commit to undertaking with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario a comprehensive social and economic prosperity review to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances across Ontario
AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the Premier of Ontario (premier@ontario.ca); Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (minister.mah@ontario.ca); the Minister of Finance (minister.fin@ontario.ca); and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (amo@amo.on.ca).