WHEREAS the Proponent is proposing to construct and operate a Long-Term Reliability Project, as defined and with the characteristics outlined in the table below, under the Expedited Long-Term Request for Proposals (“E-LT1 RFP”) issued by the Independent Electricity System Operator (“IESO”).
Name of the Long-Term Reliability Project: Stanton Green Energy
Proponent: Stanton Green Energy Inc.
Technology of the Long-Term Reliability Project: Non-Electricity Storage Facility
Maximum Contract Capacity of the Long-Term Reliability Project (in MW): 12.50 MW
Legal description of the portion of the Project Site that is located on lands subject to the authority of one or more Municipalities: PIN 08140-0330 - PART SOUTH HALF LOT 23 CONCESSION 12; AS IN 559473 EXCEPT PART 1 33R20937 LONDON TOWNSHIP (the "Municipal Lands")
AND WHEREAS Pursuant to the E-LT1 RFP, Proposals that receive the formal support of the local jurisdictional authorities of all the project communities in which the Long-Term Reliability Project is located in the form of a support resolution will be awarded Rated Criteria points for the purpose of ranking the Proposal in relation to other Proposals for a contract under
the E-LT1 RFP; and
THAT the Council of Middlesex Centre supports the development, construction and operation of the Long-Term Reliability Project on the Municipal Lands;
AND THAT this resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Proponent to receive Rated Criteria points under E-LT1 RFP or to satisfy its obligations under any awarded E-LT1 Contract and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of approval in relation to the Proposal or Long-Term Reliability Project or for any other purpose. Rated Criteria points will be used to rank the Proponent’s Proposal in relation to other Proposals received by the IESO under the E-LT1 RFP.