Middlesex Centre Council Agenda
Regular Meeting of Council

Hybrid Council Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)
13168 Ilderton Road / Virtual
Ilderton, Ontario, N0M 2A0

Mayor DeViet to call the meeting to order __________. Members of the public are invited to participate in this meeting of Council by attending the meeting in-person at the Ilderton Community Centre located at 13168 Ilderton Rd, Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0.

Members of the public may also access the meeting which will be live-streamed on our Middlesex Centre YouTube channel or by contacting the Municipal Clerk to receive a registration link to join the meeting electronically.

Members of the public wishing to appear as a delegation can register for the meeting by visiting middlesexcentre.ca/participating-council-meetings or by contacting the Municipal Clerk at (519) 666-0190 by 4:30 p.m. on the Monday of the week of the scheduled meeting. All requests to delegate are subject to the provisions of the Middlesex Centre Procedure By-law.

Members of the public can choose to delegate in-person or by electronic participation. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.

Item 6.4 being a staff report regarding the Melrose Drinking Water Interconnect Project Award has been added to the agenda for January 29, 2025.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

There are no delegations or presentations to note for January 29, 2024. Delegations regarding planning applications will be heard during the applicable Public Meeting item.

  • THAT the minutes of the Middlesex Centre Council meeting held on January 15, 2025 be adopted as printed.

Items listed under the Consent Agenda are received in one motion. Council members may request that one or more item be removed for further action.

  • THAT Consent items 6.1 through 6.4 listed on the January 29, 2025 agenda be adopted as recommended.

  • THAT the Budget to Actual Report CPS-02-2025 for December 2024 be received as information.

  • THAT Report CPS-03-2025, re: Middlesex Centre Website and Social Media Overview, 2024 be received for information.

  • THAT the Request for Drain Improvement submitted by landowners proceed;

    AND THAT staff be directed to notify the affected landowners and appropriate agencies of the Council’s decision to proceed with the drainage works;

    AND FURTHER THAT following the notice to the appropriate agencies, Mike DeVos, P.Eng. of Spriet Associates be appointed to prepare a Drainage Report for the improvement of the requested Municipal Drain, all in accordance with the Ontario Drainage Act.

  • THAT Report PWE 02-2025, re: Melrose Drinking Water Interconnect Project award be received;

    AND THAT the construction project to complete the upgrades and connection of the Melrose Drinking Water System to the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System be awarded to Birnam Excavating Limited in the amount of $3,292,876.27 (exclusive of HST);

    AND THAT the Contract Administration and site inspection services for the upgrades to the Melrose Drinking Water System be awarded to Stantec Consulting Ltd in the amount of $ 429,115.39 (exclusive of HST)

    AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.

  • THAT Council move into Public Meetings at ________pm pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, to consider the applications listed on the January 29, 2025 Council agenda.

  • THAT Zoning By-law Amendment application (ZBA-12-2024), as amended, filed by SBM Ltd. on behalf of Perpetually Innovative Developments to rezone the land at 108 Caverhill Crescent from ‘Urban Residential First Density exception 9 (UR1-9)’ to ‘Urban Residential Third Density exception 29 (UR3-29)’ for medium density residential development, be REFERRED back to staff.

  • THAT Consent Application B-21/2024 filed by Bondeesue Holdings (Dan Brown) on behalf of Mark Watson in order to sever a lot with a frontage of approximately 193.4 m (634.5 ft) on Highbury Avenue North, and an area of approximately 2.8 ha (6.9 ac), and the retained a frontage of approximately approximately 279.6 m (917.3 ft) on Highbury Avenue North, and an area of approximately 35.5 ha (87.7 ac), for a property legally described as Concession 8 N PT Lot 8, in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, County of Middlesex, and is municipally known as 15309 Nine Mile Road; be GRANTED;

    AND THAT Consent B-21/2024 be subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the Certificate of Consent under Section 53(42) of the Planning Act shall be given within two years of the date of the notice of the decision. The request for the Certificate of Consent shall be accompanied by a written submission that details how each of the conditions of severance has been fulfilled.
    2. That the fee for the Certificate of Consent be paid in accordance with the Municipality’s Fees and Charges By-law.
    3. That a draft reference plan be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor for the purposes of facilitating the transaction of Consent B-21/2024, and that this plan be approved by the Municipality prior to being deposited with the Land Registry Office.
    4. That the Owner’s solicitor provide a Transfer in Preparation to the Municipality, together with a deposited reference plan and a Schedule describing the land to be transferred, for the purposes of the issuance of a Certificate of Consent.
    5. That the Owner’s solicitor submit an undertaking in a form satisfactory to the Municipality to register an electronic transfer of title consistent with the Consent decision.
    6. That any outstanding property taxes for the severed and retained lots of Consent B-21/2024 be paid in full.
    7. That, if necessary a revised assessment schedule in accordance with the Drainage Act, as amended, be commissioned and paid for by the Owner.
    8. That the owner pay a cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication consistent with Municipalities Fee By-law.
    9. That, if necessary, the owner will be required to dedicate lands up to 13 m from the centerline of construction of Nine Mile Road of the retained and severed parcels to the Municipality of Middlesex Centre for the purposes of road widening if the right of way is not already to that width.
    10. That, if necessary, the owner will be required to dedicate lands up to 18 m from the centerline of construction of Highbury Avenue North of the retained and severed parcels to the County of Middlesex for the purposes of road widening if the right of way is not already to that width.
    11. The owner will be required to dedicate a 0.3 m reserve along County Road 23 (Highbury Ave N) to the County of Middlesex such that all access will be restricted to Nine Mile Road if the parcel is merged with the land at 15301 Nine Mile Road.
    12. That a Zoning By-law Amendment that recognizes the agricultural commercial use of the severed lot and reduced farm size of the retained lot of Consent B-21/2024 be in full force and effect.


    AND THAT the reasons for granting Consent application B-21/2024 include:

    • The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement;
    • The proposal conforms to the County of Middlesex Official Plan and the Middlesex Centre Official Plan; and
    • The proposal complies with the Middlesex Centre Comprehensive Zoning By-law.


    AND FURTHER THAT Zoning By-law Amendment application ZBA-22-2024, filed by Bondeesue Holdings (Dan Brown) on behalf of Mark Watson, to rezone the subject land from the ‘Agricultural (A1)’ zone to the ‘Farm Industrial exception 5 (M3-5)’ and ‘Agricultural exception 52 (A1-52)’ zones for the land legally described as Concession 8 N Pt Lot 8 (former Township of London) and known as 15309 Nine Mile Road, Municipality of Middlesex Centre, be APPROVED and that the implementing By-law be forwarded to Council for consideration once a deposited reference plan has been provided to the satisfaction of the Municipality.

  • THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application (ZBA-19-2024), filed by Lerners LLP on behalf of 1106002 Ontario Ltd, 1106003 Ontario Ltd, 1106004 Ontario Ltd, Joel Robson, Jay Robson, and James Robson, to rezone the lands known as 12626 Ilderton Road from the ‘Agricultural (A1)’ zone to ‘Surplus Residence (SR)’ Zone and ‘Agricultural – No Residences (A3)’ Zone for the severed and retained lands of consent application B-12/23, be APPROVED.

  • THAT Zoning By-law Amendment Application (ZBA-20-2024), filed by Lerners LLP on behalf of 1106002 Ontario Ltd, 1106003 Ontario Ltd, 1106004 Ontario Ltd, and Robson Brothers Partnership, to rezone the lands known as 14875 Ilderton Road from the ‘Agricultural (A1)’ zone to ‘Surplus Residence (SR)’ Zone and ‘Agricultural – No Residences (A3)’ Zone for the severed and retained lands of consent application B-11/23, be APPROVED.

  • THAT the public meetings adjourn at ____ pm and Council resume their regular meeting;

  • THAT the Correspondence items 11.1 through to 11.14 listed on the January 29, 2025 agenda be received as information.


  • THAT By-Law 2025-012 listed on the January 29, 2025 agenda be approved. 

Being a By-law to adopt and confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre at the meeting held on January 29, 2025 

  • THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre adjourns the January 29, 2025 Council meeting at ___ p.m.

No Item Selected